impACT Berlin – Day 3
One of the biggest priorities at impACT is to establish a dialogue on eye level. What do we mean by that?
Over the past one or two decades, more and more people and institutions have recognised that local individuals and organisations hold valuable expertise about their native ecosystems. Furthermore, they are very connected to the community. To maximise the impact of any project, it is important to combine resources, networks and knowledge.
Ideas, we came up with at impACT
At impACT, we came up with the idea to put this insight into practice: On the last day of our three-day conference, participants teamed up in groups of four to six people. They worked collaboratively on project ideas. Which related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). That has been established by the United Nations and shall be completed by 2030.
Afghan and German entrepreneurs. Also, students and members of organisations such as IOM (International Organisation for Migration), and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH). As well as ITC (International Trade Centre) worked side by side to come up with viable solutions. Solutions to pressing problems for Afghanistan and Germany. A true conversation on eye-level took place, facilitated by staff and students of School for Design Thinking, true experts in the area of user-centric design.
Some of the projects were focussed on migration, such as “Kompass”. A Frankfurt-based organisation that supports refugees who aim to go back to their home country. So they can set up their own business. Some projects focussed on the education of Afghan youth. While others focus on the education of Afghan refugees in Germany.
Meanwhile, this edition of impACT Berlin focussed on (social) entrepreneurship. Related to problems in Afghanistan and of Afghan migrants abroad. The impACT team is already planning additional events. These events focus on other countries and selected industries. Stay tuned and hope to see you soon at one of our events!