Philia’s Research team has launched an innovative initiative, the Peer-to-Peer Coaching Self-Development Study!
Our aim is to support the members of Philia’s e-Course in their efforts throughout their journey with us. This is part of a wider initiative that the Philia Project is working on. Through our new study on Peer-to-Peer coaching, we want to support prospective global leaders to improve their inner strength and foster meaningful connections for and with others.
Drawing from the leadership studies, our attention landed on three main leadership features, at the core of Philia’s experience: Self-awareness, Self-acceptance, and Authenticity.
The Research Team, then, designed a process to collect as much data at critical junctures of the Philia experience as possible. Our first participants come from all over the world, from Hawaii to Turkey, from Poland to Kyrgyzstan.
So far, we followed our Philia e-Course participants at the beginning of their journey. We explored their motivations, their expectations, and some key aspects of their personality and background as part of our new study on Peer-to-Peer coaching.
We will carry on this initiative alongside the long journey our Philia members have decided to share with us. The Research Team will keep on revising it to make it as tailored as possible to the evolving needs of our members. We are sure that Philia will evolve together with them!
We are still looking for new participants for our new study on Peer-to-Peer coaching! If you are willing to share parts of your self-development journey and help us in strengthening our initiative, knock on our door, and send an email to us!